Is Carillon the S.M.A.R.T. Choice?
In June Carillon hosted a luncheon featuring a panel of residents who gave their firsthand accounts on Carillon’s retirement options and benefits, its comprehensive wellness program, and the unparalleled value of LifeCare.
After age 70, three out of four Americans will require health care or assistance. Options include bringing help into the home, or moving in with children, into a skilled nursing or assisted living facility, or into a retirement community.
For many, a retirement community is often the smart choice, and because Carillon offers LifeCare, our residents believe we’re the “S.M.A.R.T.est” choice! A resident spoke about each category of S.M.A.R.T. during the luncheon, and here’s what they had to say:
S = Sensible
“We didn’t want the events of life to determine what we were going to do, and we didn’t want our children to have the stress and trauma of making the decisions for us,” said resident Diane Powell. Her husband, Jim, followed up with, “LifeCare meant that we would be taken care of from here on out, and that was a relief. We are very pleased that we moved here; it was preemptive and sensible.”
M = Me, Finally!
“I wasn’t sure who was going to take care of me after my daughter passed away,” said resident Wanda Parker. “Turns out, it was Carillon. They treat us like we’re family members.”
A = Affordable
“I didn’t look into Carillon at first because I thought I couldn’t afford it. They explained the options to me three or four times, and I’m thankful they were patient,” said resident Pat Lacewell. “My son felt comfortable with my decision because I was comfortable. I have lived here for seven years now and enjoy it. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else!”
R = Relationships
“When I asked people what they thought about moving to Carillon, the only complaint I heard was that they wished they’d done it sooner. The sale of our home funded the majority of move-in fees, so we were able to move in with no regrets,” said resident Dick Moser. “My wife died less than a year after moving in, so the relationships I’ve built have been so important. I now have about 350 friends here!”
T = Timely
“I needed to do something for my daughter and me,” said resident Canzada Bray. “This is a great place, and I have given my daughter a gift by moving into Carillon. I’m out here with my generation; I love being here and being among people we can enjoy. LifeCare is a written promise that you will be taken care of for life—for however long you need.”
Carillon thanks the residents who took time out of their schedules to share with others why Carillon is the S.M.A.R.T. choice when it comes to retirement. We couldn’t have explained it any better ourselves!
If you have any questions about Carillon or our LifeCare program, we hope you’ll give us a call at 806-281-6200, or drop us a line by filling out this contact form.
Because at Carillon, retirement never looked so good!